Chapter 1- The Doll and the Double

“They walk before the crowds
With their head held high,
Oh look upon them with awe,
For they are the chosen ones.

Stand tall oh chosen warriors. 
Though our hopes weigh you down,
Go forth, oh chosen ones
your destiny beckons.

Oh bloody moon of the Hunter’s night
Fill the empty sky with your crimson light,
so their hearts may never falter.
Guide them through the woods of Dhur
The dark deep woods of Dhur.

Yonder stands the Elmer White.
The grand tree of the lowly sprites,
be kind to them oh beasts of might,
grant them the fruit of sight.

Charge forward oh warriors
You now bear the mark
Go forth oh chosen ones
there’s no turning back

hmm mm hmm" 

Ayane hummed trying to recollect the words of the song as she looked out of the window of her bedroom. Her eyes followed the bird flying in the pale blue evening sky.

“You love singing that children’s rhyme, don’t you Ayane??” Akane inquired. “Aren't you a bit too grown up for that??”

Ayane had not noticed her enter the room. She turned to look at Akane, who smiled at her. It was a soulless smile as usual.

“It’s not just a children’s rhyme!! It’s a ballad, an ancient folk tale passed down from generation to generation. For all you know, it might be truth, in the disguise of a beautiful story.” Ayane said with a dreamy expression.

“You keep your delusions to yourself now.” Akane did not want another argument over the same topic.
“That dress really suits you more than me.” Ayane said taking in the details of the red flowing gown that Akane wore.

She clicked her tongue in disappointment. Akane threw a quizzical look at her. She stomped to Akane’s side and plucked out the pin that held her hair up in a tight knot.

“In parties like these you should let your hair down. If you know what I mean” She said and pulled back locks of hair that fell on Akane’s eyes and braided it. She tied a thin gold strip on the end to hold it together. 

“There you go.” She said, happy with herself.

“Don’t be so full of yourself.” Akane snapped at her trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Haha!! But you are looking really pretty.” Ayane said with a laugh. “I envy you Akane.!!” she protested. 

“You get to meet so many people. And all I get to do is sit around here like a doll. Elder brother doesn’t even let me leave the castle grounds.” She said, frustrated with her pathetic condition.

“Vincent Sama is really very protective of you.” Akane tried to console her. “Besides you get to see enough and more people in the castle too, right. And the ones I meet in these social gatherings are like clowns hiding behind masks.”

“Eh? Really?? Somehow that sounds interesting.” Ayane said her disappointment seemed to have gotten deeper. “You are not helping me with that kind of description.”

“They are not all that interesting at all.” Akane said. “Their actions are very easy to read.”

“So you haven’t met a single person worth your notice??” Ayane inquired.

“Princess Ayane,” A man called out to her. “It’s time for your self-defense class.” He slid his glasses up his nose. His long white coat did not have a single misplaced crease. “And after that you will have your horse riding practice.” He recited her schedule for the evening reading from the notebook he always held in his hand.

Ayane sighed. He was a junior lecturer from the most esteemed college in all of Pelhar. Her elder brother had chosen him to be her personal tutor. He was so strict that she had to be careful about every gesture she made and every word she spoke.

“Well!! Don’t hold yourself back Akane.. You don’t have to live your life filling in for me. You have been taught to hold back your feelings since you are a replacement and not the real me. You so often have to lock your feelings away that I feel as if you are bottled up somehow.”

Akane stood there listening to her, she had no idea what to say. Ayane was right, she too wore a mask.

“Have fun at the party for me, ok??” Ayane said. “And get me a red rose from the most handsome guy in the party this time.” She said and winked.

“Miss Ayane!!” The man chided. “That is vile talk. Not befitting a young lady with dignity.”
 “Hahaha. ” Ayane laughed. “ Hai hai.. Don't nag at me Kiyoteru Sensei. She is a close friend.”

“You are so predictable. You reacted just the way she wanted you to Kiyoteru. Don’t let her take you for a ride.” Akane said.

Akane watched her as she left the room. Ayane's knee length black hair swayed behind her as she walked away with Kiyoteru by her side.

Akane watched her disappeared around the corner. Come to think of it, she had never seen Ayane in grand party dresses. She was more of a tomboy. The only lady like dress she ever wore were the ones her elder brother bought for her. She was truly her brother’s pretty little doll. 

The words she had said echoed in Akane’s head. She turned and looked at the mirror. She saw her green eyes look back at her. She moved forward and touched the mirror with the tip of her fingers. Those eyes seemed like they belonged to someone else. Anger welled inside her. She took the vase that lay on the table and thrust its contents at the mirror. The water that splashed on its glassy surface distorted her face.

“Not much longer! You will see my true self soon enough Ayane. I wonder if you will pamper me with your sweet words then.”


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